Self-Care for A Busy Life

I know, I know. “I’m too busy to put aside time to take care of myself.” “I just don’t have time anymore.” “School makes it impossible to make time for self-care.”

Well, not anymore.

Because today, I present to you…

Self Care for a Busy Life!

That’s right. I’ve got some tips and tricks for those of you who are in school, college, or your job keeps you busy, and it seems impossible to make time for self-care. I understand that it can be hard, but I promise that just taking five minutes a day to do something for yourself will benefit you in the future and will help you make self-care a habit.

So, here we go!


When it comes to self-care, it does not matter if you do it for five minutes, five hours, five days, and so on. It just matters that you DO it. Five minutes is better than nothing. So I encourage you to find five minutes, just five, out of your day and dedicate it to yourself. It could be five minutes in the morning right when you get up, five minutes before you go to bed, five minutes in the shower, anything. Just five minutes a day to breathe and get yourself together. Not stopping to take a break during your busy life can be detrimental to your well being. Just five minutes. That’s all, If you find that you have more than five minutes, great! Take those few extra minutes.Take care of yourself.


If you’re in school or at your job and you absolutely MUST take a break before your head explodes, do it. Pick up a book and read for a few minutes, make some tea (if you can), meditate, or just take a few deep breaths. When that pile of papers or homework seems to be toppling over, or you find yourself thinking faster than the speed of light, that’s the time to stop and relax. Trust me. You will thank yourself later.


Yes, I said it. Arrive 5-10 minutes early to work or school, and take those minutes for yourself. Sit in your car, without the music on, and just breathe for a little bit. Say a mantra to yourself (you can check out the ones in my “10 Mantras to Say to Yourself Every Day” post), say it out loud, or write it down several times and take the sheet of paper with you into school or work. Truthfully, those few minutes in your car will probably be the only alone time you get all day, so this one is for those of you who are with people from the time you walk out your bedroom door to the time you get in bed at night and are desperately seeking some alone time.

And there you have it. Self-care for even the busiest of humans.

Have a lovely day, and don’t forget to fill your own cup before anyone else’s.



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