How To Establish a Routine: Summer 2017

So for those of you who don't know, my family moved into an RV about a month ago. Since then, I've often tempted to stay in the trailer all day and just relax, because it still feels like I'm on vacation and don't need to do anything. However, this proved to be an awful idea and made me 10x lazier. So, for what must be the 100th time, I tried to establish a routine. I have failed at this every single time I've done it, and I didn't understand why until I sat down and really thought about it. I compared my past routines, and every single one had one thing in common: they weren't routines at all. They were schedules. When I woke up late or was busy for most of the day and failed to follow my schedule, I tried a different one. I did this for several years, until recently.

I decided that what I needed was a set of things I wanted to do every morning, afternoon, and night, but that's as far as it would go. Not a schedule. Just a list of things I can follow no matter what my day looks like. This proved to be a success, because it wasn't so rigid that I couldn't follow it every day. With this, I can be consistent, and maybe this fall, after I've had the routine for a while and my life has more of a schedule and pattern to it, I can set up some kind of schedule.

So, here's how to set a routine for this summer.

1) Make a list

Sit down, and make a list of things you want to do every morning and night. Here's my morning routine:

  • Stretch
  • Meditation
  • Coffee
  • Bullet journal
  • Goal/To-Do list
  • Breakfast
  • Work
Night Routine:

  • Dinner
  • Vitamins
  • Check goal/to-do list
  • Bible journaling/ginger tea
  • Meditation/yoga
  • Sleep music
2) The order

Decide what order you want to do these things in, but don't decide what time. Just the order. This is so you don't feel pressure to stick to a certain schedule, especially when the day has been busy or unpredictable. 

3) Don't change it

The key to establishing a solid routine is consistency. Try it out for a few days, and if it doesn't quite work, change it or rearrange it, but only once. This allows for some form of consistency. After 21 days (3 weeks), this routine should become like second nature.

Having a routine is really going to help me prepare for school this fall and keep me from lounging around this summer. It's also going to help me establish habits that are good for my mind and body. Good luck with your routines!


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