How to Create A Self-Care Routine

Hey guys! Hannah here, and today I'm taking on a topic that I feel is the start to really taking care of and loving yourself. Today, my friends, I will show you how to create a self-care routine.

Some of you are probably thinking one of three things:

1. "I don't have time for a self-care routine."
2. "I don't know how to make a self-care routine."
3. "What even is a self-care routine?"

I'm glad you asked!

A self-care routine is a specific routine designed by you and directed towards what you need to be healthy and happy. Example: my self-care routine involves skincare, yoga, and mediation, because those things are essential to my health and happiness. Yours does not have to have those things. In fact, it may be totally different than mine. But you know what? That is okay. No one's routine will be the same, because everyone needs are different.

Now let's begin.

How to Create a Self-Care Routine

1. Find a part of the day that you function the best in. Are you a night owl, or an early bird? That will heavily contribute to your willingness to do this routine. If you try and do it in the morning and you stay up all night long (guilty as charged), you will not enjoy your routine, and you will not experience the full benefits.

2. Pick out a few specific things that you need to be healthy and happy, or that you used to do and no longer have time for. Whether it's a form of exercise, reading a book, journaling, or just laying in bed with some peaceful music on, include those things in your routine. Do whatever you need. This routine is about you.

3. Set a time limit. Odds are, you don't have all day long for a self-care routine. However, you probably have an hour or two at the beginning or end of the day. Pick a length time that's appropriate for your schedule and doesn't have you cramming this whole routine into a few minutes. Take your time and enjoy it!

4. COMMIT. This is the most crucial step in this how-to. A self-care routine won't do much for you if you aren't doing it consistently.  Pick a time for your routine (every day, every week, every month, etc.) and STICK TO IT. I'm speaking from first-hand experience when I say that inconsistency is killer. Whether it's exercise, a healthy diet, or a routine just like this, consistency is key. Once it's consistent, it becomes habit, and once it becomes habit, it becomes a lifestyle. Don't quit.

5. Write it down. Once you've established your routine, write it down somewhere where you will see and remember it. Not on a random sticky note or a piece of paper you found on the floor. If there's a notebook or planner you use every day, stick your routine in there. You're much more likely to see it and be reminded if you put it somewhere you'll remember it.

That's all for now! If you have any questions, comment on this post or email me.

Have a lovely day,



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