Anatomy of an Introvert
So lately, while I've been scrolling through Facebook or Twitter, I've seen many (far too many) misconceptions about introverts. I see words like "rude","antisocial","shy","no fun", etc. Being an introvert myself, I feel that we are deeply misunderstood by most of society, and these kinds of words don't make me very happy. So I felt the need to clear up some myths about people who classify themselves as introverts, what exactly an introvert is, and how they are different from extroverts. So, here's my anatomy of an introvert. What is an introvert? The dictionary definition of an introvert is "a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings." Meaning, introverts spend most of their time with themselves, their thoughts, and feelings, and are "energized" by spending time alone. Introvert Myths 1) All introverts are antisocial This is far from true. Lots of i...