
Showing posts from 2017


i'm nineteen years old, in my sophomore year of college, and I don't know if I'm going to live long enough to live my life. To get married or have children and grandchildren. I don't know if I'll finish college. I don't know if I'll ever get to teach. all of this is more uncertain than it has ever been because the leader of our country 1) doesn't believe in the gradual change of the climate that's causing our earth to collapse more and more every day, and 2) is threatening nuclear war like it's some kind of joke. Our leader is careless and terrifying, and I might die before getting the chance to actually live my life because of it. I don't watch the news anymore because I've been having nightmares about these kinds of things. The fear that I won't live past my 20s or 30s has invaded my mind and made its way into my dreams and nightmares. The chance of the earth completely falling apart/nuclear war before i get to live the rest of my ...

How To Naturally Fall Asleep

Good morning, people of the earth. I hope you all slept well and are having a wonderful day. Now, today, we are going to discuss how to fall asleep naturally. This means falling asleep without Melatonin pills, Benadryl, etc. This post was inspired by my personal experience with Melatonin. Ever since I was a kid, I've had insomnia. At first, I thought it was because I was on my phone right before bed (it was). But after I stopped scrolling through social media at nighttime, my insomnia was better, but still there. I tried melatonin, which worked for years. However, I discovered that it was giving me intense mood swings and making it even harder to wake up in the morning. It was also suppressing my appetite, and I already don't eat a lot, so that needed to be fixed ASAP. Luckily, I found several ways to fall asleep naturally, and I've felt better ever since. So without further ado, here are 5 ways to fall asleep naturally. 1) Bedtime Tea This is what I've been using...

Healthy (And Unhealthy) Signs in a Relationship

So I know that when you saw the title of this post, you were probably like "Um, she's basically a kid. What does she know about relationships?" Well, more than you might think. I may not know everything about love or whatever, but I know enough to know what's healthy in a relationship and what's not. This post is going to be compiled of experience I've had in my short 19 years of life and the signs of what a healthy (and not healthy) relationship is. So here we go. Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship If you have witnessed one or more of these signs in your relationship, it is a toxic one. Constant ridicule or criticism. If your partner is constantly making fun of you or judging you, that can be a sign of an unhealthy relationship. This criticism can come off as a playful joke or be followed up with "I'm just kidding", "I wasn't serious", etc., but that doesn't mean it's okay. It can also be direct, in your face rid...

I Am

I love when I say I'm going to start blogging again and then I don't have internet for a week. Haha. Anyway, today's post is a little different. It's about me, and what I am. The reason I'm doing this is because for the longest time, there were lots of things about myself I didn't like and refused to accept. I tried to change myself for years and years for a variety of reasons. But just yesterday (yes, actually yesterday), I came to realize there are just some things I will never be. There will be some things I will never do. There will be some things I can't and should not change about myself. And here is a list of those things. I am scatterbrained, and messy. Although I try my very best to be neat and organized, I am naturally very scatterbrained. I get distracted easily. My desk is usually a mess. This is something I can work on, but when I do have my messy moments, and someone points them out, I can't be defensive about it. Accept the moment, mo...

Anatomy of an Introvert

So lately, while I've been scrolling through Facebook or Twitter, I've seen many (far too many) misconceptions about introverts. I see words like "rude","antisocial","shy","no fun", etc. Being an introvert myself, I feel that we are deeply misunderstood by most of society, and these kinds of words don't make me very happy. So I felt the need to clear up some myths about people who classify themselves as introverts, what exactly an introvert is, and how they are different from extroverts. So, here's my anatomy of an introvert. What is an introvert? The dictionary definition of an introvert is "a  person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings." Meaning, introverts spend most of their time with themselves, their thoughts, and feelings, and are "energized" by spending time alone.  Introvert Myths 1) All introverts are antisocial This is far from true. Lots of i...

How To Establish a Routine: Summer 2017

So for those of you who don't know, my family moved into an RV about a month ago. Since then, I've often tempted to stay in the trailer all day and just relax, because it still feels like I'm on vacation and don't need to do anything. However, this proved to be an awful idea and made me 10x lazier. So, for what must be the 100th time, I tried to establish a routine. I have failed at this every single time I've done it, and I didn't understand why until I sat down and really thought about it. I compared my past routines, and every single one had one thing in common: they weren't routines at all. They were schedules. When I woke up late or was busy for most of the day and failed to follow my schedule, I tried a different one. I did this for several years, until recently. I decided that what I needed was a set of things I wanted to do every morning, afternoon, and night, but that's as far as it would go. Not a schedule. Just a list of things I can follow...

Please Stop Using The Phrase "Too Much" To Describe People PLEASE

Hello, world. I'm back for what must be the 4th or 5th time. I actually have to set an alarm to write blog posts now because I kept forgetting. For three months straight. Anyway, I have spent the last couple months doing several things. First, moving. My family moved into an RV about a month ago and it's been utter chaos since. Second, I ran out of ideas. I had no earthly idea what to post about. I sat in front of a notebook and thought about what to write until I was banging my head on the table repeatedly. Third, by the time I came up with ideas, it was finals time, and there was no way in heck I was going to blog on top of school, friends, boyfriend, and trying to figure out how to not fail my finals (Update: I didn't). SO, here I am, finally, at the end of June, about to leave for Colorado (yay!), and chock full of post ideas.  But there's a catch. These posts are going to be more along the lines of organized rants about things I come across on a daily basis th...

What To Do When School Has Taken Over Your Life

Hey, guys. I'm back today with some, hopefully, helpful advice on what to do if school has just become too much. I know the feeling, and I know it can weigh heavily on you mentally and physically if you're up doing homework until the crack of dawn, or you have so many extracurricular activities that you think your head might explode, or you're taking 18 hours and don't know what sleep is anymore. I am here to help. What To Do When School Has Taken Over Your Life 1) Step back Take a second, step back, and look at what all you have going on. You've got class, you've got after school activities, you've got homework, work, a social life, and sleep. All of these things are good and important, but you might have to sacrifice something in order to keep you from becoming a zombie. If you have after school activities, make a list of them in order of what you like the most, to what you like the least. Look at the one or two at the bottom of the list an...

Toxic People: How to Spot Them and Get Out Of That Situation Right Freaking Now

HELLO everyone. It has been exactly a month since my last post because, shocker, college is taking over my life. Actually, no. College HAS taken over my life. But I have a lot of thoughts and posts I want to write about things I've been experiencing since college started and that I feel are important for other college students/people in general to hear. So I'm going to cross something off that list right now. Today, we're talking about being around toxic people and how to get yourself out of that mess right now because it's really, REALLY bad.  So. Let's talk toxic people.  They are mean. They are manipulative. They absolutely suck the life and self confidence out of you. It's very, very difficult to get out of that situation. And it can hurt you, more than you would think. Hanging out with a group of people who are dragging you down is detrimental to your self confidence and ability to see the good things within yourself. I have been there. It. Sucks. Mo...

Anxiety Attacks: The Signs and How to Help

Okay, so it's pretty easy to tell when YOU are having an anxiety attack. You know yourself pretty well and usually know the signs. However, it can be incredibly difficult to spot the signs in someone else. This skill can be useful for getting friends out of stressful or scary situations, especially if they don't realize they are showing symptoms. So, without further ado, here's a list of symptoms of an anxiety attack. Symptoms of A Panic Attack Quickening heart rate Sweating Shaking Shortness of breath  Feelings of choking Chest pain  Nausea  Feeling dizzy or light-headed Chills or hot flashes Numbness  Derealization (feelings of unreality)  Fear of losing control  Fidgeting Constantly checking their phone If someone you are with has stopped speaking entirely, this might also be a sign of a panic attack. This is usually how my panic attacks start. What To Do If You Notice Someone Else's Panic Attack Stay with the person and...

Small Steps to Change the World

Hello, friends. I've been thinking a lot about change lately, and how everyone thinks it's so hard to do. It's big, intimidating, and you're probably thinking, "I am one small person. What can I do to change the world?" Well, I'm about to tell you some small ways that will make a big impact. 1.   Compliment a stranger You'd be surprised at what a small compliment can do for someone's day. They could be having the most difficult day, and they just happen to walk into the store or coffee shop you're in, not knowing they would receive a nice compliment. If you're standing next to someone you don't know or ordering food at a restaurant or something, find something to compliment about the person. It''ll give their day a boost, and it'll give yours one too. 2. Pick up trash if you see it This one's for Mother Earth. If you're walking around your high school, college campus, or workplace, and you see ...

Self Care Day; "I'm So Sick of Hearing About Politics" Version

Hello, everyone, and happy February.  I know I've already done a self care day post a little while ago, but this one is different, because its purpose and target are specific. Today, in light of recent political events, I have designed a self care day specifically for escaping the never ending vortex of politics, news, and social media. It is important to be informed about what is going on around you. It's important to watch the news, pay attention to current events, and if something that happens upsets you, find a way to make your voice heard. Whether it's calling your representative, signing a petition, or writing a letter, it is CRUCIAL to stand up for what you believe in. But sometimes, the news can be completely and utterly exhausting to watch. It becomes toxic, and eventually, you start to feel like there is too much going on in the world and you can't do anything about it. You become stressed and scared, feeling like every petition you sign and letter ...

Let People Like Things: A Rant

Hello, everyone. Today I have yet another rant for you. This one's important, so listen up. There is a lot going on in today's world. A lot. It's stressful. It's exhausting. It's sad. We are surrounded by the internet and social media and television. The news delivers devastating stories daily. I see horrible things I wish I could un-see. Hear things that repeat in my head over and over. Things that haunt me and make me wonder what happened to the world. On top of this, there's school, and work, and probably countless other things. It's nearly impossible to get rid of and over time, it can take a toll on someone. People need a way to escape. To relax. To leave this world for a while. So if someone wants to do something that makes life easier for them, for the love of all that is good in the world, Just. Don't. Say. Anything. It sounds ridiculous, right? To judge someone for doing something that's meant to make them happy and no...

I Am Not Sorry: A Rant

Hey, friends. It's been a while. This thing called college is kind of taking over my life. Anyway, I've got a lot to say today. So brace yourselves. For a pretty long while now, tensions have been high in the USA. There have been protests and fights. Scary things in the news. Things I saw and immediately broke down into tears at the sight of. All of this is insane, stressful, and sometimes, terrifying. In the midst of all of this (the past few years, really), after years and years of piggybacking off of the opinions of other people, I have developed some opinions of my own. And guess what? Some of them aren't popular.  Some of them don't make sense to other people. You will not agree with some of them. And I'm not sorry for that. I have my opinions. I have my views that are based on what I believe in and my past experiences. I have spent years watching and learning and observing. And now, at nineteen years old, I'm ready to fight for what I belie...

The Winter Blues

Okay, so it's officially winter now, and people across the nation are huddled in their houses with the fireplace roaring and every part of their body covered in clothing. Even here in Texas, it's getting pretty cold (I'm currently wearing a t-shirt, striped skirt, and PJ pants under my skirt). It's quite difficult to get outside and breathe in that fresh sunshine this time of year, and sometimes, when people get stuck inside too long, they tend to become bored and even sad and fatigued. If the winter weather is driving you crazy, here are a few tips to keep yourself happy and healthy, even when you can't go outside. Make your space brighter Whether it's investing in an artificial light (light box), opening up your blinds, or putting some plants on your desk, making your bedroom or work space a little bit brighter is important for kicking that foul winter mood. Sitting next to open blinds while you work or a light box for 30 minutes a day will signifi...

Happy New Year: A Note From Me

Yippee! It's finally 2017! If you're anything like me, 2016 was a pretty rough year and you're ready to start fresh with a brand new year. I have so many exciting things going on this year and I've planned some great posts for the blog in 2017. But first, I want to start off the year with a little message. First off, I know there's a lot of pressure in the month of January to write a little thing called "New Year's Resolutions." I personally have a few. But, just because this is the time of year where most people make big changes in their lives, that does not mean you have to. Don't feel pressure to totally reinvent yourself or make some huge change, like going vegetarian or getting a gym membership. You can make those changes when YOU feel like it, not when everyone else is doing it. If you are satisfied with where you are in life right now, or you just don't think this is the proper time for a big change, that's okay. Don't let ...