New Beginnings

Hello, lovely people. It's Monday morning, and yesterday, I decided that it was time for a change. If you are currently reading this, you're probably looking at the blog and saying to yourself, "Why does this look different?" Well, it looks different, because it is.


I am changing the name of my blog to Hello, It's Hannah, how to survive in a world full of chaos, as told by me.

This past week, I was feeling down and unmotivated to write, because I was having trouble finding what to write about. I thought that I was running out of post ideas because the title and focus of the blog was preventing me from writing about other things I was passionate about. So even though I will be sticking to the self-care theme for the most part, I am also going to include other subjects that I think need to be talked about. Those subjects include the environment and how to help it, social and political events and information, and just things I feel that every human needs to know about and discuss. The goal of the blog is to promote knowledge and discussion, as well as the already-established self-care theme. This way, I will be able to write about other subjects I'm passionate about that don't exactly go along with the self-care idea.
I will also start posting daily again at 12:00 pm central time. I hope the new theme and subjects will be of help to all of you. Thank you, and Namaste.

Love, Hannah


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